Enjoyed a great weekend in Eureka Springs, AR this last weekend over fall break. Samantha and I had a nice getaway. You realize how much you don't get to talk about and share without one of these weekends now and again.. We enjoyed our stay with Wisteria Lane Lodging a few miles north of Eureka. (Palace Bath House pic on the left)
The trees had just started turning and what a beautiful creation we were able to visually see. Don't get me wrong.. greenery is nice.. But the colors we saw were incredible and just covered the color spectrum. The bright orange-y trees in the picture are not far from Pea Ridge, AR - the location of THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE
The trees had just started turning and what a beautiful creation we were able to visually see. Don't get me wrong.. greenery is nice.. But the colors we saw were incredible and just covered the color spectrum. The bright orange-y trees in the picture are not far from Pea Ridge, AR - the location of THE BATTLE OF PEA RIDGE
We had lots of great food and even had the chance to eat dinner with some El Reno friends on Saturday evening at Ermilio's. Awesome food and great fellowship.
We took the northern route to get to our rendezvous point which was a few miles north of Holiday Island. Over a suspended single lane - wooden bridge..
Just wanted to share a few pics and a little about the great time we had. Thank you Lord for a wonderful bride.. and an incredibly blessed life! Jay
Spelling not included!