I sat next to a young couple on the flight from OKC to DFW. I had seen "Bride" on the back of her jacket at the gate.. "SO", I said, "Did you happen to just get married?".. They did and just LAST NIGHT.
They were going on their honeymoon for a week in Costa Rica... The first thing out of my mouth.. "My wife and I will be celebrating our 21st anniversary on the 17th!". Yes, 21 awesome years and it really feels like its been only a couple. How cool is that, 21 years!!
Everywhere I go and everything I see reminds me of my family.. That young couple above, the young girls behind me marveling about being above the clouds in the plane, even the Starbucks I'm drinking (we all luv Starbucks)..
Oh, and EVERY time I've gone to Madison the cars at home go crazy.. Last Wednesday the catalytic converter goes out on SE's car (of all things!).. TODAY, my speedometer went out (REALLY??) After they dropped me off at the airport today. I mean how often does a speedometer go out?? Good thing we have an emergency fund!
Yet, in all of this, life IS good and real and bountiful and full of blessings! I could have never guessed all of this would be part of His great plan for my, our, life!! (Jer 29:11)
(I love you SE..thankful your part of the plan!)
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